Trust & Safety

How can TradiePro benefit me?

TradiePro is a platform that offers a stage for homeowners as well as improvement workers to connect. Homeowners can easily post the jobs they want to get done in their homes while licensed and validated workers can make bids in order to get hired. We offer the ProGuarantee feature to safeguard the entire project. The…

How does TradiePro function?

TradiePro, being one of the reliable community platforms fosters ease in the outsourcing of various businesses. We bring opportunities for workers looking to earn some income. As a homeowner, you need to post a job, verified workers will see the job and accordingly quite a bid, you can further select the right personnel for your…

How do pricing and payments work?

TradiePro ensures absolute discretion of your transactions and personal information. The data is completely secured under encryption technology. Homeowners need to pay the money to the TradiePro trust account at TradiePro Pay. The amount will be extended to the worker, only when the homeowner provides a review and states the job is completed. Workers can…